Our Story
Despite published evidence supporting the benefits of clinical pharmacy services for health and economic outcomes, there has been a lack of consensus on key indicators for clinical pharmacy performance. There is a need for standardized, quantifiable measures of quality for hospital clinical pharmacy services.
Understanding and acknowledging the need to address this gap, a group of hospital pharmacists formed the Canadian cpKPI Collaborative in 2011, to develop a core set of Clinical Pharmacy Key Performance Indicators (cpKPIs).
Our Vision
To improve patient outcomes and advance pharmacy practice through the national and international implementation of evidence-informed Clinical Pharmacy Key Performance Indicators (cpKPIs).

Our Mission
Our mission is to collaborate and network nationally to help pharmacists and pharmacy departments adopt, measure and assess consensus cpKPIs that are linked to meaningful patient outcomes and the advancement of pharmacy practice. Using evidence-informed practices, we provide resources and tools to support the implementation of cpKPIs at the local, provincial and national level.