Poster / Abstract Citations
For any inquiries regarding poster presentations or abstracts, email us at info@cpkpi.ca to be connected directly with the authors.

What Clinical Pharmacy Key Performance Indicators (cpKPI) Are Patients Receiving Across Canada? A National cpKPI Patient Registry and Pooled Analysis
CSHP PPC, Toronto, ON, February 2020
Authors: Carroccia A, Toombs K, Gorman SK, Spina SP, Semchuk WM, Meade A, Lowe D, MacNeil E, Bayoud T, Shalansky S, Facca N, Seto W, Bussières JF, Wong G, Lui P, Slavik RS, Porter S, Doucette D, Chant C, Maclean B, Fernandes O

Implementation of Streamlined Electronic Workflow to Capture Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Pharmacists
PPC, Toronto, ON, January 2020
Authors: Tom E, Leung J, Chant C

What Clinical Pharmacy Key Performance Indicators (cpKPI) Are Patients Receiving Across Canada? A National cpKPI Patient Registry and Pooled Analysis
CSHP Residency Research Night, Toronto, ON, June 2019
Authors: Carroccia A, Toombs K, Gorman SK, Spina SP, Semchuk WM, Meade A, Lowe D, MacNeil E, Bayoud T, Shalansky S, Facca N, Seto W, Bussières JF, Wong G, Lui P, Slavik RS, Porter S, Doucette D, Chant C, Maclean B, Fernandes O

Improving Pharmacist-Pharmacist Communication at Hospital Discharge
CSHP PPC, Toronto, ON, February 2019
Authors: Varghese S, Guilcher SJT, Luke M, Visentin JD, Fernandes O, McCarthy LM

Pharmacy Communication Partnership (PROMPT): Improving transitions in care
Health Quality Transformation Conference, Toronto, ON, October 2018
Authors: Li S, Guilcher S, Fernandes O, Cameron K, Lui P, Wong G, Pariser P, Luke M, Farrell J, McCarthy L

Qualitative Thematic Analysis of Interprofessional Perspectives on Clinical Pharmacy Key Performance Indicators
CSHP PPC, Toronto, ON, February 2018
Authors: Fernandes O, Raymond C, Mourao D, Meade A, Toombs K, Slobodan J, Hao B, Sreeskantharajan S, Poggemoeller K, Attfield E, Gorman S

Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Clinical Pharmacy Key Performance Indicator Tracker: DIE-cpKPI Study
CSHP PPC, Toronto, ON, February 2018
Authors: Richard S, Kristoffer S, Gorman S, Bruchet N, Dawn D, Hutton L, Fernandes O

How Do Patient, Pharmacist and Interprofessional Stakeholder Perspectives on Clinical Pharmacy Key Performance Indicators Compare Across Canada?
CSHP PPC, Toronto, ON, February 2017
Authors: Mourao D, Raymond C, Slobodan J, Gorman S, Meade A, Toombs K, Attfield E, Sykelyk A, Newman J, Nghiem C, Law V, Saad M, Fernandes O

Patient Perspectives on Clinical Pharmacy Key Performance Indicators: A Qualitative Study
CSHP PPC, Toronto, ON, February 2017
Authors: Gorman S, Raymond C, Mourao D, Meade A, Toombs K, Poggemoeller K, Sykelyk A, Fernandes O

Revising the GRASP® Workload Measurement Tool to Track Clinical Pharmacy Key Performance Indicators
CSHP 68th Summer Education Session, Ottawa, ON, August 2015
Authors: Chung E, Khaja M, Bjelajac Mejia A

How do patient, non-patient and hospital pharmacist stakeholder perspectives on clinical pharmacy key performance indicators for hospital pharmacist compare?
CSHP PPC, Toronto, ON, February 2015
Authors: Mourao D, Raymond C, Slobodan J, Gorman SK, Toombs K, Doucette D, Nghiem CL, Law V, De Angelis C, McGillicuddy P, Nichol K, Bell B, Fernandes O

How Do Local, Provincial, and National Perspectives on Clinical Key Performance Indicator Critical Activity Areas Compare?
CSHP PPC, Toronto, ON, February 2014
Authors: Bannerman H, Gorman S, Toombs K, Lo J, Shukla S, Doucette D, Slavik R, Semchuk B, Chan W, Benninger N, MacKinnon N, Bell C, Slobodan J, Lyder C, Pereira T, Bjelajac-Mejia A, Spina S, Fernandes O

How Do National Clinical Pharmacy Key Performance Indicators Align With Top-Ranked Consensus Selection Criteria?
CSHP PPC, Toronto, ON, February 2014
Authors: Lo J, Gorman S, Toombs K, Bannerman H, Shukla S, Slavik R, Semchuk B, Doucette D, Chan W, Benninger N, MacKinnon N, Bell C, Slobodan J, Lyder C, Pereira T, Bjelajac-Mejia A, Spina S, Fernandes O

What Are the Appropriate Clinical Pharmacy Key Performance Indicators for Hospital Pharmacists?
Abstract, Can J Hosp Pharm, 2014
Authors: Fernandes O, Gorman SK, Slavik RS, Semchuk WM, Doucette D, Bannerman H, Lo J, Shukla S, Chan W, Benninger N, MacKinnon NJ, Bell CM, Slobodan J, Lyder C, Zed PJ, Toombs K

What are the Appropriate Selection Criteria for National Hospital Clinical Pharmacy Key Performance Indicators (cpKPI)?
Abstract, Can J Hosp Pharm, 2013
Authors: Benninger N, Slavik R, Toombs K, Doucette D, Slobodan J, Gorman S, Chan W, Semchuk B, Lyder C, Fernandes O

What are the Appropriate Candidate Clinical Pharmacy Key Performance Indicators (cpKPI) for Hospital Pharmacists?
Abstract, Can J Hosp Pharm, 2013
Authors: Chan W, Doucette D, Toombs K, Slavik R, Slobodan J, Gorman S, Semchuk B, Benninger N, Lyder C, Fernandes, O

Round 1 Delphi Results of the National Hospital Clinical Pharmacy Key Performance Indicators Consensus Process
Abstract, Can J Hosp Pharm, 2013
Authors: Bannerman H, Gorman S, Toombs K, Slavik R, Semchuk B, Doucette D, Chan W, Benninger N, MacKinnon N, Bell C, Slobodan J, Lyder C, Fernandes O

Round 2 Delphi Results of the National Hospital Clinical Pharmacy Key Performance Indicators Consensus Process
Abstract, Can J Hosp Pharm, 2013
Authors: Gorman S, Toombs K, Shukla S, Lo J, Bannerman H, Slavik R, Semchuk B, Doucette D, Chan W, Benninger N, MacKinnon N, Bell C, Slobodan J, Lyder C, Fernandes O

What are the appropriate clinical pharmacy key performance indicators for hospital pharmacists?
Abstract, Pharmacotherapy, 2013
Authors: Fernandes O, Gorman S, Slavik R, Semchuk W, Doucette D, Bannerman H, Lo J, Shukla S, Chan W, Benninger N, MacKinnon N, Bell C, Slobodan J, Lyder C, Zed P, Toombs K

Does interprofessional medication reconciliation from admission to discharge reduce post-discharge patient emergency department visits and hospital readmissions?
Abstract, Pharmacotherapy, 2012
Authors: Baker M, Bell CM, Xiong W, Etchells E, Rossos P, Shojania K, Fernandes O

How Well Do Pharmacy Clinicians Perform In A Patient Simulation-based Admission Medication Reconciliation Validation Program?
Abstract, Can J Hosp Pharm, 2012
Authors: Cameron K, Persad N, Natsheh C, Small K, Ingram S, Chhibbar S, Fernandes, O

Who's Looking at the BPMH? Perception and Utilization of the Best Possible Medication History in a Tertiary Care Hospital
Abstract, Can J Hosp Pharm, 2012
Authors: Ingram S, Streminsky J, Fleites R, Fernandes O

Implementing a Transitional Care Pharmacist Role for Patients at Hospital Discharge
Abstract, Can J Hosp Pharm, 2011
Authors: Malmberg C, Gavura L, Laking R, Le Piane F, Aitha A, Charlesworth E, Edwards S, Petryschuk R, Wong K, Leblanc K, Fernandes O