Below is a list of publications related to cpKPIs.

Assessment of Canadian Hospital Pharmacist’ Job Satisfaction and Impact of Clinical Pharmacy Key Performance Indicators.
Losier M, Doucette D, Fernandes O, Mulrooney S, Toombs K, Naylor H. (2021). Assessment of Canadian Hospital Pharmacist’ Job Satisfaction and Impact of Clinical Pharmacy Key Performance Indicators. Can J Hosp Phm. 74(4):370-7.

A developmental evaluation of an intraprofessional Pharmacy Communication Partnership (PROMPT) to improve transitions in care from hospital to community: A mixed-methods study
Guilcher SJ, Fernandes O, Luke MJ, Wong G, Lui P, Cameron K, Pariser P, Raco V, Kak K, Varghese S, Papastergiou J. (2020). A developmental evaluation of an intraprofessional Pharmacy Communication Partnership (PROMPT) to improve transitions in care from hospital to community: A mixed-methods study. BMC Health Services Research. 20(1): 99.

Enhanced communication between inpatient and community pharmacists to optimize medication management during transitions of care
McCarthy LM, Li S, Fernandes O, Cameron K, Lui P, Wong G, Pariser P, Farrell J, Luke MJ, Guilcher SJ.
(2019). Enhanced communication between inpatient and community pharmacists to optimize medication management during transitions of care. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association. 59(1): 79-86.

Adaptation of an existing hospital pharmacist’s clinical activity logbook for Canadian clinical pharmacy key performance indicator reporting
Burguière J, Floutier M, Lebel D, Fernandes O, Bussières JF. (2019). Adaptation of an existing hospital pharmacist’s clinical activity logbook for Canadian clinical pharmacy key performance indicator reporting. Annales de l’Unité de recherche en pratique pharmaceutique. Annales de l’Unité de recherche en pratique pharmaceutique. 4: 1-7.
For more information about this publication, email us at info@cpkpi.ca

Do Combined Pharmacist and Prescriber Efforts on Medication Reconciliation Reduce Post discharge Patient Emergency Department Visits and Hospital Readmissions?
Baker M, Bell CM, Xiong W, Etchells E, Rossos PG, Shojania KG, Lane K, Tripp T, Lam M, Tiwana K, Leong D, Wong G, Huh J-H, Musing E, Fernandes O. (2018). Do Combined Pharmacist and Prescriber Efforts on Medication Reconciliation Reduce Post discharge Patient Emergency Department Visits and Hospital Readmissions?. Journal of hospital medicine. 13: 152-157.

Can pharmacists collaborate with patients and interprofessional teams to reduce medication-related risk at interfaces of care and improve meaningful patient outcomes?
Fernandes O, Baker M. (2017). Can pharmacists collaborate with patients and interprofessional teams to reduce medication-related risk at interfaces of care and improve meaningful patient outcomes? Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research. 47(5): 331-2.

Pharmacists' Perceptions of the Barriers and Facilitators to the Implementation of Clinical Pharmacy Key Performance Indicators
Minard LV, Deal H, Harrison ME, Toombs K, Neville H and Meade A, 2016. Pharmacists' perceptions of the barriers and facilitators to the implementation of clinical pharmacy key performance indicators. PloS one, 11(4), p.e0152903.

Unintentional Continuation of Medications Intended for Acute Illness after Hospital Discharge: A population-based cohort study
Scales DC, Fischer HD, Li P, Bierman AS, Fernandes O, Mamdani M, Rochon P, Urbach DR, Bell CM. (2016). Unintentional Continuation of Medications Intended for Acute Illness after Hospital Discharge: A population-based cohort study. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 31(2): 196-202.

Unintentional Discontinuation of Chronic Medications for Seniors in Nursing Homes: Evaluation of a National Medication Reconciliation Accreditation Requirement Using a Population-Based Cohort Study
Stall NM, Fischer HD, Wu CF, Biermann AS, Brener S, Bronskill S, Etchells E, Fernandes O, Lau D, Mamdani MM, Rochon P. (2015). Unintentional discontinuation of chronic medications for seniors in nursing homes: Evaluation of a national medication reconciliation accreditation requirement using a population based cohort study. Medicine. 2015 Jun;94(25).Medicine. 94(25): e899:1-8.

A Formal Medication Reconciliation Program in a Hemodialysis Unit Can Identify Medication Discrepancies and Potentially Prevent Adverse Drug Events
Chan WW, Mahalingam G, Richardson R, Fernandes OA, Battistella M. (2015). A Formal Medication Reconciliation Program in a Hemodialysis Unit Can Identify Medication Discrepancies and Potentially Prevent Adverse Drug Events. Journal of Renal Care. 41(2): 104-9

Development of Clinical Pharmacy Key Performance Indicators for Hospital Pharmacists Using a Modified Delphi Approach
Fernandes O, et al. Development of Clinical Pharmacy Key Performance Indicators for Hospital Pharmacists Using a Modified Delphi Approach. Annals of Pharmacotherapy 2015; 49:656–669.

Canadian Consensus on Clinical Pharmacy Key Performance Indicators: Knowledge Mobilization Guide
Canadian Consensus on Clinical Pharmacy Key Performance Indicators: Knowledge Mobilization Guide. Ottawa, ON: Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists; 2015. (2015). Contributors: Fernandes O, Toombs K, Pereira T, Lyder C, Bjelajac Mejia A, Shalansky S, Al-Sukhni M, Gerges S, Sanjeet Sohal, Gorman S. Description / Contribution Value: National Consensus Guideline - Hospital Pharmacy Health Quality Indicator Canadian Consensus on Clinical Pharmacy Key Performance Indicators: Knowledge Mobilization

Should Key Performance Indicators Be a Component of Performance Assessment for Individual Clinical Pharmacists?
Fernandes O, Le Piane F, Ahmed H, Toombs T. (2014). Point Counterpoint- the “Con” side- Should Key Performance Indicators Be a Component of Performance Assessment for Individual Clinical Pharmacists? Can J Hosp Phm. 67(2): 166-168.

Complex Inpatients Need Medication Experts: Optimizing the Pharmacists' Role on the Healthcare Team
Fernandes, O. Semchuk W. Chapter: Measuring Our Impact Through The Use Of Clinical Performance Measures In: Shalansky S. CSHP 2015 Toolkit: (Objective 1.3) Complex Inpatients Need Medication Experts: Optimizing the Pharmacists' Role on the Healthcare Team. Published Online Nov 2011, www. cshp.ca