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Team Member Profiles


Olavo Fernandes


Education: RPh, BScPhm, ACPR, PharmD, FCSHP


Position: Co-Chair, National Lead


Olavo became involved with the Canadian cpKPI Collaborative as an opportunity to partner and collaborate with talented practitioners and leaders across the country to work together to advance pharmacy practice and improve patient outcomes, as well as support front-line pharmacists to partner with patients and interprofessional teams to make influential patient care interventions. He is the Director of Pharmacy, Clinical and Operations, at the University Health Network and an Assistant Professor with the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy at the University of Toronto. He is also a Clinician-Investigator with the Toronto General Hospital Research Institute.


Olavo's most memorable moment in pharmacy was authentic national collaboration across Canada – front-line clinicians to leadership – to co-create and develop national consensus cpKPIs with a focus on improving patient outcomes. Outside of work, Olavo enjoys baseball and cooking.


Contact Olavo at

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Sean K. Gorman


Education: RPh, BScPhm, ACPR, PharmD


Position: Co-Chair, National Lead


Sean became involved with the Canadian cpKPI Collaborative as an opportunity to learn from and work with a diverse network of pharmacists who share similar visions for clinical pharmacy service delivery across Canada, as well as advance pharmacy practice to improve the quality of patient care by developing an evidence-informed, consensus-based suite of clinical pharmacy key performance indicators. He is the Pharmacy Director, East and South, with Interior Health Pharmacy Services and a Clinical Associate Professor with the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of British Columbia.


Sean's most memorable moment in pharmacy was the past ten-year journey working with members of the Canadian cpKPI Collaborative to develop, implement, and sustain cpKPIs. Outside of work, Sean enjoys snowboarding, golfing and BBQing.


Contact Sean at

Sean G
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Kent Toombs


Education: RPh, BSc(Pharm), ACPR


Position: Co-Chair, National Lead


Kent became involved with the Canadian cpKPI Collaborative as an opportunity to collaborate with well-respected and emerging pharmacy leaders from across the country to achieve shared clinical pharmacy related goals, including the advancement of pharmacy practice and improvement of patient outcomes. He is the Director of Pharmacy, Northern Zone, with Nova Scotia Health and the Program Director with the Nova Scotia Health Authority - Central Zone Pharmacy Residency Program.


Kent's most memorable time in pharmacy was having the privilege to experience and contribute through leadership roles at University Health Network in Toronto during the SARS crisis in 2003 and recently at Nova Scotia Health during the COVID-19 pandemic. Another memorable moment was being fortunate to be involved with the Canadian cpKPI Collaborative and witnessing the development and implementation of cpKPIs. Outside of work, Kent enjoys hiking, travelling and boating.


Contact Kent at

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Sean P. Spina


Education: BSc(Pharm), ACPR, PharmD, FCSHP


Position: Vice-Lead, Communications & Website


Sean is involved with the Canadian cpKPI Collaborative as a vice-lead because he wants to demonstrate the impact that pharmacists can have when they are essential members of the care team. He is a Clinical Coordinator in the Department of Pharmacy at Island Health and a Presidential Officer with the National Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists. He is also a Clinical Associate Professor with the University of British Columbia and an Adjunct Assistant Professor with the University of Victoria, Health Information Sciences. He leads a research program evaluating the impact of technology in clinical practice. 


Sean's most memorable time in pharmacy was building a clinical program at Royal Jubilee Hospital and presenting research findings in Dubai, UAE. Outside of work, Sean enjoys spending time with his family on their farm and fishing.


Contact Sean at 

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Sandra Porter


Education: BScPhm, RPh, CRE, BCGP


Position: Vice-Lead, Communications & Website


Sandra became interested in cpKPIs while working on a project for a leadership program at UHN in 2017. She joined the Canadian cpKPI Collaborative by sharing her project work, combined with her interest and enthusiasm to help other hospitals implement cpKPIs. She is a Clinical Pharmacist at Waypoint Center for Mental Health Care.


Sandra's most memorable moments in pharmacy have come when teaching and mentoring learners. From helping a student work up their first patient to mentoring a resident or new pharmacist as they take on broader responsibilities, it is always a thrill to help someone work towards a goal and succeed. Outside of work, Sandra enjoys hiking, figure skating, and playing outside with her son and dog.


Contact Sandra at 


Nadia M. Facca 


Education: BSc Bio/Chem, BScPhm, MHS, RPh


Position: Vice-Lead, Communications & Website


Nadia joined the Canadian cpKPI Collaborative years ago as she saw this as a way to increase the clinical profile of hospital pharmacists. The clinical involvement of pharmacists is often not known or recognized within complex hospital systems. From verifying the accuracy before medications are dispensed to patients (from complex hospital pharmacy distribution systems) to ensuring that drug interactions do not occur and monitoring plans are in place for new drugs started in hospitals, pharmacists use their unique expert drug knowledge to ensure high quality safe care within our Canadian hospitals.


Using Clinical Pharmacy Key Performance Indicators (cpKPIs) is a standardized way built from national consensus to show across Canada how pharmacists are providing excellent professional services within hospitals. The cpKPIs also allow for pharmacists themselves to look inward at their own practice and reach towards advanced standards of pharmacy professional care within a hospital environment. She is currently the Director of Quality and Performance at London Health Sciences Centre. She was the Past Director of Pharmacy at London Health Sciences Centre. 


Nadia's most memorable moment in pharmacy was seeing the NAPRA compliant renovations actually happen at the LHSC University Hospital Sterile Room and impressing the Ontario College of Pharmacists (OCP) Inspector so much with the changes that she asked for permission to take photos and share with other hospitals that were undergoing and planning similar renovations. Outside of work, Nadia enjoys baking, interior decorating, yoga, reading and moving every day for her own health.


Contact Nadia at

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Amanda Carroccia 


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Andrea Meade


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Web Design and Development by Winnie Bao, Island Health Pharmacy

Canadian cpKPI Collaborative // Coopérative Canadienne d’ICPpc​

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